Our Projects




Reasons for Galvanizing: Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG

Components Galvanized: Every component of these display stands was Hot-Dip Galvanized.

"Luckily the experienced and proud fabricator was able to offer the best solution, Duplex coating. After fabrication the display stands were first Hot-Dip Galvanized and then epoxy painted."

Duplex Systems
Cap-Santé, QC, Canada




Cap-Sante, means literally Point Health. Local legend has it that this picturesque village, nestled on the Nordic shores of the majestic Saint Lawrence River just west of Quebec City, took its name literally. Apparently, centuries ago a small platoon of the king’s soldiers (the French king in this case!) all gravely ill miraculously recovered at the village church. This church built in 1752 is one of the last original churches from the French regime anywhere in North America.

Luckily the experienced and proud fabricator was able to offer the best solution, Duplex coating. After fabrication the display stands were first Hot-Dip Galvanized and then epoxy painted.

The architectural beauty, deep history and stunning “paysage” (surrounding landscape) of the Sainte Famille Church is a natural draw for tourists. The proud residents of the village chose the Church grounds as the ideal site for a display area to show the photography and art that best expressed the beauty of Cap-Sante.

A grant from the local Co-Op bank of $15,000 provided the money for a set of beautifully designed display stands. Naturally wanting both a long life for their investment as well as an appearance that wouldn’t take away from what was being displayed with the passage of time. Luckily the experienced and proud fabricator was able to offer the best solution, Duplex coating. After fabrication the display stands were first Hot-Dip Galvanized and then epoxy painted.

The end result is the desired low-key color that doesn’t distract from the art on display with the deep protection foundation of Hot-Dip insuring that the current appearance lasts and lasts. Duplex Hot-Dip projects can be measured in the thousands of tons but sometimes the smallest jobs are even more satisfying. This is the case with this beautiful little display at a historic church set on a stunning landscape.

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